Submit a proposal to request support from Platform 6

Part of our role is to provide support for projects that are aligned with our own mission. Our members pay a subscription fee, and other work that we undertake contributes to a pooled resource. To apply for funds from this pool, you should complete and submit this form.

The completed application will first be assessed by our funding circle to ensure that it is aligned with our mission and values. Assuming that to be the case, the proposal with then be shared amongst the members of the cooperative via our Loomio community, for consideration and decision. If the outcome of that deliberation is positive we'll be in touch, and will invite you to submit a claim to our Open Collective, which will then be paid.

We aim to complete this process promptly, but if the support that you are requesting is needed urgently, please let us know in your submission, and we'll endeavour to accelerate as need be.

About you
A useful label by which we can refer to you proposal
Explain what your proposal id about.
If you've got a written proposal, or supporting docs, you can upload that here. Save multiple docs as a zip or tarball before uploading
Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx odt gz tar zip.
If your proposal includes a request for financial support, how much do you need?
When do you anticipate requiring the funds?
Please provide details of any sponsor/s for your proposal.
Which of the following criteria does your proposal meet? Tick all that apply